keto omelet

Keto Omelet – Low Carb Omelette Recipe


Read below a low-carb keto omelet recipe with spinach, cottage cheese, cherry tomatoes, and ham.

Simply delicious!

Keto Omelet – Low Carb Omelette Recipe



• 2 eggs

1 teaspoon olive oil

• 75 g cherry tomatoes, cut in half

• 50 g onion, sliced

• 2 cups spinach

• 100g cottage cheese ( 2% fat)

• Salt and pepper

• 1 tablespoon water

• 200 g ham (3% fat)

• 1 slice of bread ( 30g)

low carb omelette
keto omelet


• Heat the oil over medium-high heat

• Put 1 tablespoon of water under the omelet

 • Beat the beaten eggs with the ham (salt-pepper) and reduce heat to medium

• Add tomatoes and onion and cook until to soften, 1 to 2

• Αdd the spinach and cook for about 30”

• Heat the oil in the pan (medium-high heat).

• Sprinkle the cheese on top of the omelet.

• Cover the pan until it is ready and the cheese is melted ( for about 2-3 minutes)

 •  Cut the ham into strips, fold the omelet, and put it in between


Servings :1
Prep. time: 20′


Proteins 69.0 g
Carbohydrates42.0 g
Fats 26.5 g
Fiber 10.0 g

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