how to lose stomach fat

How to Lose Stomach Fat – Perfect Diet for Perfect Abs

You work out at the gym so much, but you don’t know how to lose your stomach fat.

Don’t worry – Follow the diet and the tips below and you will  gain energy and perfect abs.

How to Lose Stomach Fat

  • Fat Loss of up to 2kg per month.
  • Increase in muscle mass 1200 kg per month.
  • Loss of points mainly in the abdomen.

Your hard work at the gym will finally be rewarded as long as you choose correctly what you will eat and drink! Besides, we need enough energy to provide maximum performance at the gym.

The kind of food, the quantity of our food, and the time of our lunch affect our performance training, our rehabilitation exercise, our body weight, and our body composition.

Follow the tips below and say goodbye to stomach fat!


  • Do not skip meals, as the calorie reduction will result in muscle wasting.

* Eat three main meals and three snacks in between them.

* Consume a main meal of the day four hours before training to complete the digestion of food.

* Drink plenty of water during the day and particularly before training. If the workout lasts longer than the necessary time, have a drink to replenish electrolytes.

* Remember that alcohol is strictly prohibited. What is recommended is four cups of green tea, without sugar, every day.

how to lose stomach fat


Make the program of your choice

120 grams. oat flakes with 500 ml milk
yogurt 2%, 1 tbsp honey, dried berries (cranberries, goji berries, acai berries)
omelet (2 eggs plus 2 egg whites), 2 slices whole-grain bread, 1 cup milk 1.5%, 1 glass of natural fruit juice
2-3 slices multigrain bread with whole-grain tahini and honey, 1 glass of milk, 1 fruit

1 yogurt ( 2% fat) with 50 grams. raw almonds or nuts and a banana
toast with mozzarella cheese, tomato, mushrooms, and a fruit
baguette with chicken fillet, mustard, tomato, lettuce, and fruit

250 grams. grilled fish with salad and nuts, vegetable salad
turkey fillet with quinoa and corn and broccoli salad
beef steak with brown rice and green salad

3-4 rye crackers with peanut butter and honey, 1 fruit
1-2 fresh fruit with milk(milkshakes)
50 grams. shoulders nuts and 1 fruit

Boiled potatoes with chicken, and tomato, 1 fruit
salmon filet with broccoli, and steamed zucchini, 1 fruit
omelet with mushrooms, green peppers,1 fruit

And what will you eat after training?

Choose the right snack

1 yogurt (2% fat), honey, and 1 fruit
cottage cheese, 2 multigrain breadsticks, 1 fruit
protein shake (20-30 g. protein) with a fresh or dried fruit