
Cholesterol – How to Reduce by 30%

Changes in your daily diet can reduce your cholesterol by 20-30%, provided, of course, that your high cholesterol is not due to hereditary or pathological conditions, but is mainly affected by a diet high in animal fats.

First, you have to eat less fat. Fat should be under 30% of the total calories in your daily diet and saturated fat below 10%.

Based on, for example, a diet of 1,700 calories, this means taking about 57 g. fat per day, of which the saturated must be less than 19 g.

Reduce your Cholesterol – Things to Do

Exclude from your diet heavy and fat-rich sauces, mayonnaise, sour cream, creamy desserts, fries with butter, and sweets (especially chocolates).

Remove visible fat from meat, chicken skin, turkey and lamb 

Eat always low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese.

 Replace butter with olive oil.

Cook in healthy ways that limit fat, such as grilling and steaming.

Include fiber in your diet. According to researches, fiber has a beneficial role in lowering cholesterol. It is important, therefore, that your diet is enriched with foods that yield at least 20 to 25 g. fiber daily.

Limit cholesterol-rich foods (egg yolks, lamb, bacon).

Prefer foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as fatty fish (salmon, sardines, etc.) and foods of plant origin, such as nuts.

At a glance

Avoid the following foods:

• Cookies, croissants, buns)

• Fried potatoes, chips, popcorn

• Sweets (cakes, pastries, ice creams, etc.)

• Milk creams, whole and condensed milk, yogurt, and full-fat cheeses

• Bacon, salami, etc.

• Fast food (pizzas, cheeseburgers, etc.)

• Butter and saturated fats

Also, remember that it is important to lose weight. Loosing 5-10% of your body weight, your cholesterol can be reduced by up to 18% and your “good” cholesterol can be increased by up to 27%.