Eco Atkins Diet

Eco Atkins Diet: Make the Veggie Version of Atkins Diet

The Eco Atkins Diet is the vegetarian version of the most classic high-protein diet: the Atkins Diet!

Eco Atkins Diet is high in vegetable protein, fiber, and beneficial fat, but low in carbohydrates. Make the veggie version of the Atkins Diet and lose up to 15 pounds (7.5 kg) in less than a month!

 Eco Atkins Diet  – An Introduction

EAD is a high protein diet, which, unlike the traditional Atkins diet, is completely vegetarian: no animal products, plant foods only!

The basic version of the diet includes many legumes, soy, seeds, nuts, vegetables, cold-pressed oils, and, in smaller quantities, refined cereals and fruits.

The calories are about 31% from vegetable proteins, 43% from vegetable fat, and 26% from carbohydrates.

Do it right!

If you are vegetarian, you will adore the Eco Atkins Diet and you will not have any problems with its implementation. The same if you just looking for nutritional detoxification brackets, and wishing to “relax” your body from animal products for a few days.

But if you have never followed a vegetarian diet and the goal is this to lose weight, we recommend not to start directly, but first, do some preparation.

That means initially decreasing animal food and gradually within a reasonable time (how much time, depends on you) to get to the point where your diet consists of 100% plant foods. Then is the best time to get into the weight loss program.

And after what?

After the completion of the Eco-Atkins Diet, the rapid increase in carbohydrate intake and the consumption of animal food products and highly processed snacks.

Continue to choose your food with quality criteria and consume it in small amounts.

 Eco Atkins diet

The best dietary sources for the Eco Atkins Diet:

Calcium: dark-colored vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, onion, sesame seeds, nuts, legumes, and seed sprouts.

Vitamin D: oils, margarine, nuts.

Vitamin B12: edible algae (e.g., Spirulina), mushrooms.

Iron: quinoa, oats, millet, sesame seeds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, olives, dried fruit, spinach, soybeans.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Chia seed oil, linseed oil, flax seeds, nuts, macadamia nuts, cashews, purslane.

* In addition to the dietary supplements, good sources of such nutrients are also fortified foods, e.g. soy milk usually contains additional calcium and vitamin B12, while breakfast cereal contains iron and B vitamins.

Eco Atkins Diet – Sample Weekly Menu


Breakfast: Rolled oats with nuts and soy milk.

Intermediate: Orange.

Lunch: Beans + salad with green vegetables and pumpkin.

Afternoon: Cocoa drink.

Dinner: Salad with lettuce, beans, tomato, onion, peppers, olive oil, and nuts.


Add in colorful salads if you want extra vegetables, extra virgin olive oil or linseed oil, and fresh lemon juice.



Breakfast: whole grain bread with tahini + soy milk with cocoa.

Intermediate: Grapefruit.

Lunch: Spinach with peanuts + salad with tomato, cucumber, onion, and olives.

Afternoon: Almonds.

Dinner: Soy Burger + salad with cabbage, carrot, beetroot, and peppers.


The “milk” of soy can be replaced with another herbal beverage from nuts or seeds. Avoid beverages from cereals (e.g. rice), because they have high carbohydrate content.


Breakfast: Cereal husk wheat with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, soy milk, and cinnamon.

Intermediate: Walnuts.

Lunch: Lentils with groats + salad with greens and olives.

Afternoon: Avocado.

Dinner: Broccoli, courgettes, and beans steamed + tofu.

With the help of the calories counter, personalize the amount of food to your personal needs (eg weight loss or weight maintenance).


Breakfast: Rolled oats (in water) with tofu and olives.

Intermediate: Grapefruit.

Lunch: Soy Beans + salad with greens and avocado sauce.

Afternoon: Black Chocolate.

Dinner: Salad with different vegetables, peas, corn, oatmeal, and nuts.

You can make the replacement of any food with another, but in an amount which affords similar calories and similar grams of protein and carbohydrates.


Breakfast: Rolled oats with nuts and soy milk.

Intermediate: Kiwi.

Lunch: Salad with Chickpeas + green vegetables and peanuts.

Afternoon: Cocoa drink.

Dinner: Quinoa with mushrooms and walnuts + salad with broccoli, cauliflower, and olives.

You can consume coffee, tea, chamomile, and other beverages but not immediately before, with, or after meals, to prevent the assimilation of iron.


Breakfast: whole grain bread with tahini and soy milk.

Intermediate: Orange.

Lunch: baked beans + salad with pine nuts and green vegetables.

Afternoon: Chocolate black.

Dinner: Hummus + multi-grain bread + salad with cabbage, lettuce, onions, and peppers.

 Add in the herbs and spices you feel are necessary, avoid too much salt, and measure sugar substitutes in drinks, if and when needed.


Breakfast: Cereal husk wheat with pumpkin, sesame, and soy milk.

Intermediate: Grapefruit.

Lunch: meat substitute for soy or + chickpea salad with greens.

Afternoon: Avocado.

Dinner: Salad with lettuce, cucumber, peppers, onions, tofu, olives, and peanuts.

Do you want to protect your muscles? Exercise with Resistance! Looking to lose even more fat? Make long-distance walking part of your daily routine!

Eco Atkins Diet: pros and cons

 It is generally accepted that long-term consumption of animal products can lead to a wide range of health problems due to the high intake of saturated and trans fats.

Conversely, EAD is high in vegetable protein foods and contains very little saturated fat while it is high in fiber and nutrients.

Certainly, a diet that lacks some staple foods e.g. eggs, dairy, and fish, and also maintains restricted recruiting others, such as fruit and cereal, it’s very difficult to be balanced in such a way as to cover all the nutritional needs of the body.

Incidental and as appropriate, this involves various risks, such as insufficient intake of iron, calcium, and vitamin B12.


      • Rich in vegetable proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, etc.
      • Low in saturated fat, not dietary cholesterol and animal fats.
      • The preparation of the meals is easy.
      • Vegetable meals can be stored for longer and transported more safely.
      • If the intake of carbohydrates and calories is kept under control, fast weight loss can be achieved.
      • Enhances natural detoxification mechanisms of the body.
      • Increases energy and provides a sense of well-being.
      • It does not create constipation.
      • Improves skin condition.
      • It helps in lowering high cholesterol and elevated pressure.


      • Suitable especially for vegetarians or those who want to become vegetarians.
      • Do not apply to infirm, people with existing medical conditions, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, or other serious health problems.
      • Excluded basic food groups like milk, for example, you do not consume animal products.
      • Too much fiber consumption can cause bloating and other gastrointestinal disorders.
      • It is possible to create deficiencies in essential ingredients like iron and cause malfunctions (e.g. anemia).
      • Requires enriching products (e.g. vitamin D, and B12) and perhaps nutritional supplements ( iron); always on medical advice!
      • It is difficult to implement for a long period.
      • When the diet is reset with more carbohydrates and/or animal products, the lost pounds can be retrieved.

*Before starting any new diet and/or an exercise program please consult your doctor

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