alkaline diet

Alkaline Diet: Lose up to 8 kg With the New Celebrities Diet

The alkaline diet is the diet that was followed and ‘shared’ by Victoria Beckham with her fans on Twitter and that promises weight loss and incredible well being.

This new diet is the creation of chef Natasha Corrett and nutritionist Vicki Edgson and is based on the balance of our pH.

Alkaline Diet Review

In the book: Honestly Healthy for Life: Eating the Alkaline Way Every Day
Both authors and health consultants say that when we consume plenty of alkaline foods and reduce the consumption of refined carbohydrates, alcohol, and sugars, we acquire muscle mass by reducing fat.

Meanwhile, an alkaline diet is extremely beneficial for bone health and promises to increase energy levels and memory, reduce headaches, heart disease, and insomnia.

This specific diet is “based” on foods that turn alkaline after digestion. These are vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, and roots.

Since the blood in our body has a pH ranging from 7.35 to 7.45, which is substantially alkaline, this diet is designed to control the level of the pH. Therefore, diets that include many acids will create an imbalance in the pH level.

When the body makes an effort to balance the pH levels in our blood, the acidity produced by food generating acid causes it to lose essential minerals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, and calcium.

This can lead to various diseases.

 The Benefits of the Alkaline Diet

Promises instant weight loss and also helps in the proper functioning of the body.

It helps prevent many diseases and also aids in the prevention and treatment of arthritis.

Increases energy, concentration, and improves mood. The body becomes healthy and can regenerate cells.

Removes pounds because it unblocks fat metabolism and detoxifies in a natural and healthy way.

The alkaline diet could correct skin problems such as acne, prevent wrinkles and aging, and refresh our sense of sight.

Cures intestinal disorders, heartburn, gas, bloating, and helps obtain a flat belly. It is very helpful to people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or stress

Which are the “Alkaline” Foods?

  • Vegetables

Asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, lettuce, onion, cauliflower, radish, peas, courgette, red cabbage, leeks, watercress, spinach, turnip, carrot, green beans, beetroot, garlic, celery, cucumber, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

  • Fats and oils

Flax, avocados, olive oil, coconut oil.

Lemon, lime, avocado, tomato, grapefruit, watermelon, rhubarb.

  • Beverages

Fresh vegetable juice, tea, soy milk.

  • Alkaline seeds, nuts, and cereals

Almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax, lentils, caraway (seeds).

Which are the “Acidic” Foods?

  • Meat

Pork, lamb, beef, chicken, turkey.

  • Mollusks and shellfish.

Lobster, shrimp, crab, crayfish.

  • Dairy products

Milk, eggs, cheese, cream, yogurt, ice cream.

  • Drinks

Carbonated drinks, coffee, beer, alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, smoothies, milk.

  • Fats and oils

Saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, margarine (worse than butter), corn oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil.

  • Other foods

Vinegar, white pasta, white bread, wholemeal bread, biscuits, soy sauce, condiments (ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.), artificial sweeteners, sweets in general, chocolate, canned foods, powdered soups, instant meals, meals in fast-food restaurants.

Alkaline Diet: Indicative Weekly Menu


Breakfast: Apples and raisins with soy milk.

Lunch: Mixed salad with vegetables, peppers of various colors, black beans, almonds, and olive oil.

Afternoon: Banana with sesame seeds.

Dinner: Green vegetables, celery, peppers, avocado and lemon, bread or nut.


Breakfast: Oatmeal porridge with vegetable soy beverage or milk.

Meal: Salad with cabbage, carrots, onions and olive oil, vegetarian “hamburger” (e.g. soya), or rice paddy with nuts.

Afternoon: Soy milk with sesame and honey.

Dinner: Mixed green salad with olive oil, omelet with vegetables and herbs, baked apple with raisins.


Breakfast: Soaked dried figs or apricots with walnuts and soy milk.

Lunch: Mixed green salad with olive oil, chickpeas or lentils with rice with nuts. Afternoon: Dried dates or figs with nuts or pumpkin.

Dinner: Broccoli, cabbage and carrots, steamed pasta with garlic sauce or tahini.


Breakfast: Muesli with raisins, crushed flax-seed, and vegetable soy beverage.

Lunch: Spinach with walnuts.

Afternoon: 2 Oranges.

Dinner: Salad with spinach and leeks or spring onions.


Breakfast: Wet barley nut or rye bread with olives and vegetables.

Lunch: Cabbage salad with olives and olive oil, lentils or soybeans.

Afternoon: Orange with cinnamon and walnuts.

Dinner: Mashed various vegetables.


Breakfast: Porridge oats (water) with almonds, crushed flax seed, raisins, and apple.

Lunch: Mixed green salad with olive oil, whole wheat pasta with vegetable sauce or baked potatoes.

Afternoon: Baked apple with sesame seeds.

Dinner: Salad with broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, nuts, crushed flaxseed, and olive oil.


Breakfast: Fruit salad with fresh fruits and nuts.

Lunch: Chicory or other seasonal greens with olive oil, or grilled vegetables baked with garlic.

Afternoon: Sesame crackers or whole without sugar.

Dinner: Mixed green salad with olives and nuts, potatoes or brown rice.

Before starting any new diet and/or an exercise program please consult your doctor