why can't lose weight

Why Can’t I Lose Weight? 10 Possible Reasons

You are trying hard! You are fighting every day to reduce the calories, to deny the sweets, to say no to carbs, beverages, and alcohol. Unfortunately with no results! The index of the scales remains “immobile” and it discourages you!

Dietitians admit it. There are some cases where the body resists the effort you make to lose weight! What are these cases and how can you fix the problem?

So before you get frustrated and give up, check out the following list:


Why Can’t I lose Weight? – 10 Possible Reasons


1. The body does not receive enough fruits and vegetables

FIBER – All fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber. Fiber not only reduces fat absorption but also increases satiety, thus reducing the amount of food consumed.

VITAMINS – The increased content of fruits and vegetables in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants boosts your metabolism.

NATURAL SWEETS – Fruits contain natural sugars, which help you reduce your intake of sweets. Therefore, the daily consumption of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables is recommended.

2. You use more salt than you need

It is known that salt significantly increases the feeling of thirst, but also increases the feeling of hunger. In addition, high salt consumption may lead to excess fluid retention (and cellulite).

Apart from the effect that this whole process has on our weight, it seems that it can also contribute to the development of insulin resistance in cases of high sensitivity to salt.

Finally, how much salt should we eat? International recommendations suggest the consumption of 2300mg of sodium per day, which practically means 1 1/4 tsp of salt in total. However, it is good to pay attention to the hidden salt that foods have (eg canned food, chips).

Scary Info: Recent research brings to light another interesting property of salt that few knew before. It seems that the high consumption of salt increases the concentration of corticosteroids in adipose tissue, with the result that they in turn enhance the growth and development of fat cells.


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3. You do not drink enough water

According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking 500ml of water can increase metabolism by 30%. The effect of water on metabolism begins 10 minutes after ingestion, peaks at 30-40 minutes, and can last up to 1 hour.

According to this study, consuming 1.5 liters of water per day can increase the daily energy expenditure by 48 calories.

How much water to drink?

Daily intake of 8-10 glasses of fluids is recommended. Take into consideration that this number may not be enough in case of heavy sweating, as it may happen in summer or when you exercise.

Extra tip: Some studies suggest drinking always a glass of water before eating. This trick can significantly reduce the appetite and tendency to overeat food and especially fatty foods.

4. You don’t eat enough dairy products

More and more in recent years, it seems that diets high in calcium and dairy products reduce the accumulation of fat cells and at the same time accelerate the process of fat breakdown (lipolysis).

The daily intake of 3 servings of semi-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt), provides the body with the required amount of calcium to regulate energy metabolism and fat metabolism.

5. Maybe the Gym makes you fat…

If the diet is done simultaneously with exercise and especially weight training, it is very likely that the scale will not show the corresponding weight loss.

This is due to the fact that exercise causes the muscles to store carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, a process that leads to water retention in the muscle which can reach up to 1-2 kg more on the scales.

Of course, you should not stop training. Instead, make sure you eat right in combination with your exercise and you have patience. The results will come.

6. Are you on any medication treatment?

There are some medications that can interfere with the proper functioning of the metabolism and thus gain weight. Some of these are corticosteroids, antidepressants, and anxiolytics.

Talk to your doctor and consider changing your medication to treat the problem. THE DOCTOR IS ALWAYS THE ONLY PERSON WHO WILL MAKE SUCH A DECISION!

7. Do you have hormonal disorders such as insulin resistance?

It is a phenomenon quite common, that when slimming occurs it becomes practically impossible.

Blood insulin levels continue to remain high, instead of falling to normal levels 1-2 hours after a meal. This extra insulin stimulates the body’s cells to use more energy in the form of glucose and eventually convert it into fat.

A sugar curve test will fully illuminate the problem and help both the endocrinologist and the dietitian to suggest a solution to the problem.

8. Do you have hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism?

It is well known that hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce a sufficient amount of thyroid hormones so that the metabolism can not function normally. As a result, it is difficult to burn fat.

Note that if your doctor has recommended a treatment that you follow correctly – with re-checking at regular intervals – then you should remove the thyroid from the possible causes that you can not lose weight.

9. Do you have constipation or irritable bowel syndrome (colitis)?

When we have constipation problems, the by-products of metabolism (toxins) are not eliminated. As a result, you are half to one kilo more.

In addition, bloating (bloating) due to sensitivity to certain foods can make it difficult for you to lose weight.

10. Are you sure you follow your diet faithfully?

Fasting is not a solution to reduce your body weight. Contrary, skipping basic food groups deprives the body of important nutrients, which boosts your metabolism!

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